DLGUDMA - Data Lifeguard Ultra ATA Management (C) Copyright 1994-2002 - Western Digital Corportation ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Index: 1. Introduction 2. How to run the DLGUDMA Program? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. Introduction: The DLGUDMA Utility is designed and developed to change Ultra ATA 33, 66, or 100 on Western Digital Hard Drives only. Program Name: DLGUDMA.EXE Compiler: Borland 4.5 (Borland 4.5 ID Environment) Target: Standard DOS (Medium Memory Model). *Minimum System Requirements: 486/586 Computer with DOS 6.22 or up, 66Mhz CPU speed, 16MB RAM, Standard/ Win95 Keyboard, Mouse not required. Does not run on very old WDC hard drives (< 4 GB) 2. How to run the Program? 2.1 Using Direct Menus and / or sub-menus To run the program type 'DLGUDMA' at the command prompt. Select the operation to perform using the 'UP' or 'DOWN' arrow key and click 'ENTER'. Follow the instruction on the screen. For Example: 1. Use UP/Down Arrow keys to Select a Drive (0 - 7). 2. Use Enter Key to select a drive. 3. Select '1' to "Enable Ultra ATA/33" 4. Use F1 Key to review ultra ATA requirements. 5. Use F10 to quit DLGUDMA and power cycle. *Note: The menus are self descriptive. Brief information about each highlighted menu operation is displayed in the program status box at the bottom. You can also use F1-Key for help, and F10-Key to terminate the program at all the time. 2.2 Using Command line argument To run the program type Eventlog -[Options] at the command prompt. Command Line Options: -? or -V Show program cmd description and version information -D# Select drive (0 to 7) -E Enable Ultra ATA 66 -O Enable Ultra ATA 33 -P Enable Ultra ATA 100 You should power cycle (shut down the system for 30 seconds and reboot), to make the changes effective.